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The Licensor’s Guide to Games
The ultimate guide for IP holders and brands looking to understand licensing into the video games industry.
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What's inside this resource.
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License your IP
License your own IP for use in a video game, including identifying potential partners and negotiating the terms of the license.
Identify the right fit
Identify the right platform, audience and developer to ensure your IP collaboration is a success.
Understand the benefits
Understand the benefits that licensed IP can give for both IP holders and developers.
from our industry.
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“I remember two kids skateboarding down the block in front of my house, talking about this really cool character, Spider-Man, from the PlayStation One game. They were too young to see the original animated series, but they came to know that character through gaming. Not every comic book reader is going to buy a game, but gaming is such a huge market that if done right, it can bring more people into a franchise.”
Russell Brown
President of Consumer Products at Valiant Entertainment
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With so many resources on the internet it’s hard to find legitimate sources. Layer uses real industry sources and experts to create helpful information for game developers and IP holders alike to help make the licensing easier for everyone!